Prof. Dan G. Blumberg is the Vice President for Regional and Industrial Development, and Incumbent of the Simon Family Chair in Remote Sensing at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. From 2014 through 2019 Prof. Blumberg served as the Vice-President and Dean for Research and Development.
Prof. Blumberg received his Ph.D. from Arizona State University (1993) where he studied and worked in the Planetary Geology Group and focused on aeolian processes and microwave radar remote sensing to study arid zone environments
and planetary geology.
Prof. Blumberg was a Co-I on the SRL (Spaceborne Radar Laboratory) mission, SRTM mission and other space missions. Prof. Blumberg has been working for the past 20 years on analysis of multi-parameter remote sensing data including radar, hyperspectral, multi-spectral and GPR data; he published numerous papers in the areas of windblown geomorphology and target and anomaly detection.
Prof. Blumberg combined field studies with the use of remote sensing data; he recently led the development and successful launch of a Nanosatellite, BGUsat – a 3U cubesat with a shortwave infrared imager onboard.
Prof. Blumberg has been a leader in the development of the IT and cyber eco-system in Beer-Sheva, he brought over 40 multi-national companies, 70 startups andalmost 300 new engineers to the advanced technologies park in Beer-Sheva.
Prof. Blumberg is also a member of a national committee deigned to leverage the AI industry and research in Israel; he was recently elected to be an academy member of the International Academy of Astronoautics.
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